MDH got sprayed by a skunk yesterday. I wish I was kidding. He set a live trap to try to catch it overnight, and was successful. But then what does one do with a live skunk in a live trap? He explained to me that he used a tarp to try to cover it and move it and claimed he got just a little bit of the spray on his Muck boots. He was quite wrong. He stripped down in the entry way, threw his clothes outside, and walked through the house to the shower and I nearly gagged. Thank goodness the wind was blowing 30 miles per hour, so I could air the house out. Then, he got out of the shower like the problem was solved. I explained that I think he got more than a little spray on him and that he had smelled up the whole house. He asked if he still stunk. I wasn't sure if it was him or the lingering smell in the house, but either way, I was still gagging. He had to go to town, so I told him to be careful about where he went, because he reeked. He laughed and said he would not worry about where he went and he would just see what people said to tell if it was him or just the lingering smell in the house. For. The. Love. He had to be kidding. He was not. He told me it was just part of living on a ranch. Besides college and my years teaching, I have lived on a ranch my entire life, and have never once been sprayed by a skunk. Apparently I'm not actually living. 🤦♀️This is what I deal with. 🥴